You want to feel in control of your money, but often end up stressed and afraid to look at your credit card bills — unsure of where to even begin.
Women are five times more likely to live paycheck to paycheck than men. Why? Because even though women have more financial mobility than any other time in history, our financial education hasn't caught up.
With Million Dollar Year, you'll join over 17,000 women+ paying off debt and building wealth faster than they ever imagined possible.
"It feels so good and connected just getting all the moving pieces organized and honestly, just taking that quiet time to do something for myself has been pretty therapeutic. My mindset has changed. I'm excited, I'm hopeful."
"I use to avoid looking at my credit card bills altogether. Now, I review them with a fine-toothed comb. It's actually enjoyable now!"
"MDY is a breath of fresh air for women: inspiring, well thought out and motivational! Propelled by brilliant women, the education received is unmatched."
"I now have the confidence to talk about money! I feel comfortable navigating fiscal spaces."
Yes. Yes. And yes—you can! We’ve helped hundreds of women+ from all different backgrounds & financial situations take control of their finances. And you’re not alone in feeling like getting control of your finances is hard. The world of finances feels tricky to women+ because we’ve never had a seat at the table. We haven’t been given the tools to learn how to make informed financial decisions and create healthy habits. So if it feels hard, it’s because it’s new, and learning new things can be intimidating. But we’re here to help you every step of the way. And with our signature curriculum, built-in program support, and a community of other women+ on the same journey with you, we’re certain you can do it.
If you’ve never been a numbers person, we have great news for you. Financial health is not all about numbers. It’s about personal development, mindset, planning, imagination, and creating good habits. Don’t let the numbers intimidate you—we’ve got tons of checklists, spreadsheets, budgeting docs, and calculators designed to do the heavy numbers lifting for you so you can enjoy the journey and finally take control of your finances.
No! Our comprehensive curriculum is designed to teach you everything you need to know about your finances to totally transform your financial future. Even if you’ve never used a budgeting tool before or have yet to open an investment account, we have every step clearly laid out for you. Beginners are absolutely welcome here and encouraged to join. You definitely won’t be the only one!
The Million Dollar Year is a 12-month program for two main reasons. First, it’s a comprehensive program that covers everything from healing your money identity, to setting up a savings account, to investing your money to build wealth. We truly aim to make this the year that’ll transform your financial future forever. Second, we believe that commitment is a necessary ingredient for success. Financial self-care is just like other forms of self-care. And you wouldn’t go for a jog once a month and expect to be able to run a marathon. Self-care practices take commitment, and financial self-care is no different. To answer your question more directly: No! You can zip through the curriculum and be done in a few weeks, or you can take your time to learn the skills, practices, and habits to spend thoughtfully, save systematically, and invest confidently.
Investing your money is risky when you invest blindly. Inside The Million Dollar Year, you’ll learn not only why and how to invest but how to do it safely to reduce risk while building wealth and financial stability for you and your family’s future.
We offer a premium curriculum, as well as coaching from proven financial and investment experts, inside the Million Dollar Year. The investment into the program is less than 1 meeting with a financial advisor and gives you all the information and tools you need to grow your net worth to one million dollars. Members routinely find ways to increase their savings by hundreds of dollars per month by following our curriculum. If you need to first focus on increasing your income, we also include a bonus course called The $1,000 Month that teaches you how to increase your income by $1,000 each month. If you have any other questions, please email us at
This is tricky. Obviously, we don’t support going into debt – ESPECIALLY credit card debt. (Seriously – don’t get me started.) But if this is the VERY last thing you’ll charge to your credit card without knowing how you’ll pay for it…then we are a whole-hearted YES to that decision.. We say this because we know what can happen. We would NEVER tell you to put something on your credit card if we didn’t know that you could get an instant return on your investment. But that’s exactly what Million Dollar Year is. We’ve seen it over and over again - women with $10,000 of debt put Million Dollar Year on their credit card and just a few months later they’ve paid off over $72,000 of debt. Instant return. It’s an investment that pays for itself, over and over again. So get on board and let us help you become debt free once and for all!
First of all, if you don’t understand finance, you can’t know whether or not your partner is managing it well. They may not be investing well for retirement. They may be driving your family into debt. You don’t know. But even if your partner is a fantastic money manager, you should understand how your money is being used. You don’t need to be involved in every financial decision if that’s not what works for you and your partner, but it’s healthy to be able to intelligently discuss money together. We ALSO have a bonus video in our training vault about how to manage your finances as a couple. In it, Laurie-Anne explains the money principles she and her husband used to stop fighting about money and start managing finances as a team…and soooo many women+ have messaged us to tell us about how this has drastically improved their relationship with their partners.
Truthfully, it really depends on your situation and how quickly you move through the program.While we offer you one year of support, it does NOT take a year to get results. We often see members achieve huge financial milestones in under 3 months. Like one of our members, Deana, who paid off $8,000 of credit card debt in a few months DURING a pandemic WITHOUT increasing her income!
The program is self paced, but we recommend you spend at least 1 hour per week on it. If you want to see immediate results, then we recommend 2-3 hours per week. One hour to make your way through the course curriculum. One hour focused on your finances every week - don’t worry, we tell you exactly how to spend this hour! One hour to join a Weekly Office Hours call, or listen to the recording!
The short answer: no. The long answer: the less time you have left, the faster you need to act. We have many members in their 50s and 60s, even some in their 70s, who are now taking control of their finances and making a workable retirement plan. If you’re closer to retirement age, then you’ve wasted enough of your life worrying about finances. Make a decision today to do something so you can enjoy financial peace for the rest of your life – and get yourself out of the grind!!
Here is what I know for sure: if you leave here today without taking any new action, nothing will change for you. No one is going to do this for you. No one is going to rescue you. Your finances are YOUR responsibility. The good news is that there is a simple way to get money working for you – and we have distilled it into a step-by-step process that has worked for thousands of people.
About 40% of the people in our program don’t have consistent income, often because they’re self-employed. Which is why we teach you how to create consistent income for yourself. We also show you how to charge what you’re worth, save for retirement, master your business finances, and more.
Divorce is difficult on almost every level – it’s often emotionally overwhelming and financially devastating – especially for women+. In fact, almost 30% of women+ end up in poverty after divorce. So, if you don’t feel like you can handle this right now, I understand. But there are crucial things to know that can help you financially protect yourself and your assets before, during, and after a divorce. And we have resources to help you. Plus, a lot of the women+ in our community have been through a financially difficult divorce, and they have hard-won advice for how you can end up in a better place than they did.
DISCLAIMER: This content is provided for educational purposes only. Dow Janes does not provide individual investment advice. You are solely responsible for the financial decisions you make. Dow Janes makes no guarantees of results or investment income.