All your life, you’ve probably been fed the message that wanting money is bad.
Maybe you were told that money is evil. In kids’ movies, anyone who wants money is a puppy-kicking, mustache-twirling villain. Girls aren’t supposed to want wealth, they’re supposed to stumble – or more specifically, marry – into it.
But then we grew up and learned that real life involves fewer glass slippers and more pulling yourself up by the bootstraps. And real estate – whether a cabin in the forest or a palace – usually isn’t just given to you.
But we still associate the idea of wanting money with greedy bad guys.
It’s no wonder that we struggle with financial stress and don’t know how to build financial peace…or even have a healthy relationship with money.
So, if no one’s ever told you…it’s ok to want money.
It’s ok to want to be rich, just like it’s ok to want to have a successful career or to have a beautiful house or wear nice clothes. It doesn’t mean that you’re materialistic, shallow, or greedy.
But just as important as creating financial wellness is finding financial peace – regardless of the number on your bank account.
Because come on - what could be worse than having more than enough, and yet still feel unsatisfied?
There’s a famous quote from when a reporter asked John Rockefeller – America’s first billionaire – how much money was enough. He said, “Just a little bit more.”
Rockefeller was richer than Bill Gates, but he was trapped by the addictive power of money.
We can all fall into that trap. It’s easy to start stressing over the need to build more and more wealth and lose your peace of mind, which is the whole point of building wealth in the first place.
It’s easy to think that a scarcity mindset is only for people who are struggling financially, but that’s not true; people who are very well off financially can still be held back by a scarcity mindset.

So instead, how can you build money habits that help you experience financial peace and alleviate financial stress?
1) Spend money on things that bring you joy
Being careful with your money is important, but it’s possible to clench your money so tightly that you forget one of the biggest reasons money matters in the first place is so you have the ability to do things that make you happy.
This could be taking friends out for dinner, treating yourself to a weekend getaway, or buying a new book.

Any time I buy raspberries, I like to buy another box for the person in back of me at the check out line. Seeing the surprise and smile on their faces makes my day.
2) Give money to causes you care about
Using your money to benefit a cause you care about is a great way to connect yourself and your money to something bigger than yourself.
Another big reason money matters is because it allows you to help create the world you want to live in. So, whatever you’re passionate about, find a way to give to it.
For me, I prioritize supporting organizations that are rematriating land back to indigenous people in California.
3) Gain financial clarity
Fear is an emotion that’s meant to keep us safe. It’s a survival instinct and a crucial response to danger. But when it isn’t grounded in reality, it becomes detrimental, both mentally and physically.
If you’re feeling afraid that you don’t have enough money or your money will run out, then take some time to really look at your finances. Look at how much money you have in your bank account and how much you have saved in your emergency fund (which is really important for everyone to have – especially if you have financial anxiety).

Then, make a budget so you know how much you can afford to spend every month. That way, you won’t need to feel guilty when you spend money, because it’s all part of the plan. I recommend following the 50/30/20 budget.
How to stop feeling guilty for spending money!
And finally, it’s important to track how much money is coming in and out of your account every week. So set up a weekly money ritual to look over your finances regularly.
4) Practice gratitude
At the beginning of your weekly money ritual, write down three things that money has done for you or allowed you to do. In the past week, were you able to do something fun – maybe enjoy a night out with friends or get a pedicure? Were you able to afford vitamins or make your mortgage payment?
No matter what your financial situation is, there are always reasons to be thankful for the money you do have.
5) Embrace a minimalist mindset
Minimalism is a lifestyle that reduces material possessions so you can simplify your life to make room for more intentionality, purpose, and spirituality.
When you become more thoughtful and intentional about the things you let into your life, then it’s much easier to be content with less.
Want to get rid of financial stress forever?
It’s great to set big money goals and chase after them, and I wish you huge success. But don’t get so caught up in the vision of your financial future that you’re unable to appreciate what you have right now. Finding financial peace is possible – and crucial – no matter what your financial situation looks like.
If you want to create more financial stability, check out our signature program, the Million Dollar Year. In it, we give you our proven system for building wealth, paying off debt, and creating a financially abundant future.
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